Noradrenalin is only one of many Noradrenalin is only one of many chemicals your brain needs to function properly let alone operate at a peak level. There are four fundamental areas that can easily and drastically improve your brains performance. We call these areas optimum performance factors. They are: q Brain nutrition q Mental exercise q Cognitive programming q Conscious neuro directed action. From these four optimum performance factors we have found eight simple things you can do to improve your brains performance. Eight Simple things that will improve your brains performance based on brain science. 1.Drink Water. Our brain tissue is made of approximately 85 percent water. Water is use to move nutrients to all parts of your body, and water is important to preventing infections, constipation and many other physical problems. When you are dehydrated the level of energy generated by your brain is decreased. This can cause depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, sluggish cognitive functions and it is believe dehydration contributes to stress and migraines. A little know fact about water is that if you do not drink enough water, your body will naturally start to retain water to compensate for the shortage of water in you body. If you want to eliminate water retention then you should drink more water not less. You can actually create problems for every aspect of your body and mental ability if you don't drink enough water. Our body loses over 10 cups of water a day. We lose 2 cups a day just from breathing. You should drink at least ten 8 ounce glasses of water a day if you are an inactive person. If you live an active life you need about 13-14 eight ounce glasses a day..